31 March 2017

No doubt, custom software development (such as the development of customized apps) offers businesses several opportunities for success. It is, for one, a major factor for businesses looking to have a productive run in the market. But it is not automatic that business will leverage these opportunities. As it were, it can also present pose several challenges, having to do with, among others, finding professionals with the rights skills to offer just which a business needs, i.e. the right software development partner. In the end, though, these challenges are not a reason to give up. Instead, they are also an opportunity, and businesses that overcome them will have a competitive edge over competitors.

Simply, opportunities and challenges of custom software development as two sides of the same coin. How so – you ask?

The Purpose of Custom Software Development

The main reason that custom software development is attractive to businesses is that it can be tailor-made to satisfy the unique and personalized demands of business. This means that the business is saved the hustle of having to change the system to address unique problems. Moreover, such a custom software is made at par with current technological advancements.

But on the flipside, it may be hard to find the right expertise to serve just the specific personalized needs of business. Often, businesses may require the same things from a system. However, each business has that need that is just unique to them, and this may pose challenges because that need may be ‘new,’ thereby requiring that which has never been provided before.

Protection against External Security Threats

At this point, we’re assuming that the unique needs of business have been addressed. One of these requirements is security, which is an increasingly problematic issue as hackers and computer viruses get more sophisticated.

Custom software provides better defense against external security threats. What gives custom software this ability is the fact that it is unique and new. Hackers’ works are enabled by the accumulation of knowledge with systems over time. This means that old systems are more vulnerable than custom software, which is unique and provides shields against such accumulation of knowledge.

Custom Software Development

Image credit: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/programming-background-with-person-working-with-codes

The challenge here, once again, is finding the professional developers with the integrity to create software that will be impenetrable to hackers. Besides, the developers are themselves external forces, who are potentially security risks to a system they developed.

Software Usability Testing Process

Testing the usability of the software before it is launched is an important opportunity for business. It is the kind of opportunity that they may not necessarily have with software bought off the shelf. As it were, with software bought off the shelf, businesses have to ‘work for the system,’ rather than have the system ‘work for the business.’ The custom software works for the business, and the testing is to make sure that it does as on the business’ terms.

However, testing the software is the toughest and most challenging part of the development process. It entails posting the development code, and from there the testing group measures the software’s performance about the requirements. Moreover, there are many phases in the process of usability testing: unit, integration, system and acceptance testing. These phases add to the complexity of the process.

Custom Software Development

Image credit: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/html-system-website-concept

Drafting the Software Design

To ensure effective software development, it is important to frame the customized design of it. This involves studying software specs, followed by the preparation of the design.

But there are also challenges with designing. Most especially, these challenges are associated with the determination of the hardware demands, but also the framing of the entire system’s architecture. The developers will have to deal with problems regarding skill and workforce, time and budget plan.

Executing the Software Designs

The execution stage concerns are appropriately carrying out the designs as well as positioning the codes. It is one of the most critical stages, but perhaps also the most complex one. This may be because implementing the design is in the process segregated in various systems. The challenges have to do with the fact that the process requires technical expertise and manpower.

Hero image credit: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/diverse-programmers-discussing-about-html-code-compiling-discovers-errors-standing
