23 May 2022

You know by now that social networks are a fundamental promotional channel for an online store since they bring us benefits in sales and marketing. The creation of a professional profile on Linkedin, a Business Page on Facebook, or an account of your company on Twitter is just some of the practices that can help you in communicating and maintaining loyalty with your customers.
We are going to unveil the 7 commandments for smart management of your social networks. In other words, these are the practices with which you can efficiently manage your social networks, so if you are interested, start taking notes from now on.

1. Plan a Strategy

Whether you are a small, medium or large company, you need to have a strategy based on your resources. Don’t forget that time must be invested, so analyze where your audience is, decide which social network is most convenient for your company and how often you can dedicate yourself to it. It is not necessary to be present in a multitude of social networks! It’s better to start with one and work on it properly so that your strategy will yield results.
Social networks evolve very fast (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest), so our online marketing strategy must also follow this pace and not remain static. Also, make sure there is an audience on those social media, or you might end up investing time in social media that’s irrelevant. A lot of people invested a lot of time on Google+ just to see how it was discontinued sometime after.

2. Interact with Your Followers

Thank your subscribers, customers, and friends for their comments, and share their content if it is in any way related to your company or its values. Make them feel part of a community, of a group of people interested in the same topics.
If your strategy is exclusivity, you can consider the option of offering promotional codes to your followers, to those who share your publications or to those who get involved with your brand by participating in a contest, for example.

3. Share Interesting Content

Sometimes we focus so much on selling our products that we overlook what our audience is really interested in. The specific information about your products is surely available on your website and in your online store, so it is best to use social networks to attract your audience with other types of content: information related to your industry, current information related to your company, information that is useful for your customers and your future customers. Share experiences, ideas and knowledge. Be creative, make images, videos and infographics part of the content you publish.


Diverse group photo created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com

4. Accept Criticism

In the same way that you form an opinion of others and you have the right to express it, you must be aware that others will do the same after learning about your business. It is up to you to ensure that your company is talked about positively on social networks (product quality, price, customer service, after-sales service, etc.). Accepting criticism (and acknowledging it and offering solutions and improvements) will do wonders for your brand.

5. Think Medium Term

Knowing how to react and answer to negative criticism is an art in itself. Trying to communicate and empathize with someone in a tense moment can be an arduous task, so stop for a moment, reflect and then act. Efficiently and professionally resolving a complicated situation can reinforce the positive message you want to convey about your company.

6. Track Your Results

Remember to analyze the results generated by your presence on social networks. What we are looking for is a medium-term return on the time investment you are making. Increasing your sales is an essential indicator, but not everything that happens on social networks automatically translates into sales. Often, the strategy to be present on Facebook, Twitter or any other social or professional network is to create a community of followers who speak well of your brand and your products.
Sales growth is a long-term indicator that will come if the planned strategy is applied correctly. The sooner you jump into the online world, the sooner you will generate online business.

7. Be Consistent

It is useless to have a great strategy if, at the moment of truth, we do not follow the plan. The profile of your business on social networks must be “alive”, dedicate a little of your time both in the beginning and when you have everything set up. Perseverance is the key to getting results.

Remember that the online success of your company depends closely on the efficiency of the three main pillars of marketing online, these are a good content strategy, outstanding SEO, both on the page and off the page and good social media presence. These are closely related to building your brand, increasing your company’s online visibility and growing sales.

If you require any help with software development for your business, feel free to talk to us today.
