24 March 2017

The Internet and its underlying technologies are changing fast. Really fast! The web design trends are the driving factors for positive change that have been pushing the Internet world forward for the better. In 2017, we have discovered the top 8 most important design trends that your organization should be implementing—and why. Let’s dive in.

Trend #1: Mobile-first design approach

Mobile device use is set to expand exponentially in 2017. Mobile-first design approach to web development isn’t something that’s new. Mobile devices have already become primary devices for accessing the web. This trend is set to continue. Therefore, more companies will be leveraging the power of mobile-first approach when delivering content on smaller screens such as tablets and smartphones.

Trend #2: Responsive-first design approach

The responsive-first design is an approach to web development that uses CSS media queries and flexible layouts that create a single, dynamic website that conforms its content to various devices including mobile and desktops. The responsive-first design works hand in hand with the mobile-first design approach to deliver websites that have stunning user experiences and are fast.

Neither responsive-first nor mobile-first are new concepts to web development in 2017. Both responsive design and mobile design have been around for some time now. We predict that in 2017 and many years to come, the uptake of responsive-first design to development of websites will continue to grow.

Trend #3: Use of skeleton screens will rise

The fact is—every web user wants speed, and they want it for good reasons. One second can make that difference between retaining a visitor—which is the first step toward making the conversion—or not. Of course, there are different ways to enhance the page loading speed. Using skeleton screens provides users with an additional option for impatient users since they are made to believe that the page is loading faster.

In fact, most psychological studies have shown that sensitivities with regard to page load times can affect user experiences. While the skeleton page loads, the web users awaits for content that reduces the impatience which reduces bounce rates.

Trend #4: Engagement chatbots use will increase

Even though chatbots aren’t new in 2017, their use has expanded. Today, chatbots are being integrated into just any website to help automate responses to frequent customer queries. In fact, the use of chatbots ensures that businesses run 24/7. Ideally, you can think of chatbots as the responsive FAQs section of your system.

Knowing beforehand the likely questions your customers will ask can help you to program efficient chatbots that are available around the clock to answer some of those questions.

Trend #5: Increased shopping cart marketing options

There’s a good reason the top online storefronts such as Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba use shopping cart marketing as an option for promoting similar products. Recent studies have shown that shopping cart marketing can increase the e-commerce revenue by almost 30 percent. Since the majority of companies are leveraging their websites for increased revenues, the use of shopping cart marketing in 2017 is set to go a notch higher.

Trend #6: More use of Cinemagraphs hero images

Cinemagraphs are fascinating when used in marketing campaigns. There’s something about the perceptive motion in an otherwise still image which can be used to attract the attention of visitors on a website. In fact, Cinemagraphs can be the first step toward getting busy visitors to stop and take note of your website. Besides their use in websites, Cinemagraphs can also be incorporated in social media campaigns.

Trend #7: More application of explainer videos

Perhaps you’re more familiar with explainer videos by now. Explainer—or persuade videos—are today the hallmark of any web startup initiatives that you can think of. The use of these videos in websites has evolved to provide an all-out persuasion. Using real people to talk about the positive sides of your product or service can help convert several web visitors to customers.

Trend #8: The Home page dies

In 2017 and beyond, the homepage is far less significant to marketing strategies than landing pages. This is because you can polish the landing pages on specific groups of pages based on the page demographics, the location of your web visitors and other web metrics. An effective landing page is what will act as the road map for your website visitor.

Therefore, if you’re not using landing pages, it’s high time to up your game with a one-stop-shop landing page strategy that provides everything required to convert on a single page—with limited navigation capabilities.

Wrapping it up

Competition in today’s fast-paced, complex and ever-changing business environment demands that you’ve to be ahead of the pack when it comes to how you’re using your website. Understanding latest trends in web design are the first step to becoming competitive in 2017 and beyond.

Hero image credit: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/web-design-technology-browsing-programming-concept_53876-163260.jpg?w=996&t=st=1700204528~exp=1700205128~hmac=d450fc501fd45215b967863020285a9a59503fd65d530b201c80b0fec60fcb2d
