18 March 2017

Creating and maintaining a solid online presence has now become not merely an added feature to a business, but a must have in order to stay aloft in the competition. Every business now has a website, but the question remains whether all of them deliver what is expected from a website. There are a few fundamental features that every website should have in order to add proper value to your business and the brand altogether.

Read on to find out whether your business website is up to the standard!

Why does your business need a website?

Before we dive into the fundamental features of a business, it is important that we understand why it is important to have an informative and well-functioning website for a business in the first place. Other than the credibility that it gains your brand when a potential customer searches your brand name, it also makes your business more accessible and closes them especially in this day and age where everything is done online. Having an informative website also saves a lot of time and effort for both your business and your customer, since you are only a click or a touch away for them. A well-developed website gives the much needed positive first impression for your customer, which is the first step to making them buy your product or the service over your competitors. Now let’s see the fundamental features that will increase the quality and the value of your business website.

1. Visually appealing User Interface

A business website should always have a clean appearance with the coordinated use of color and text patterns which does not exhaust the eye. It should be simple and polished. Do not cramp your interface with too many colors, pop-ups, graphics and text especially on the Homepage. Each and every occupied space on the interface should be meaningfully placed. Use quality photography and clear graphics. You need to make sure that your customer feels the desire to come back to your website. Use text and graphics in a way that makes a lasting impression on their mind.

2. Important Business Information

Your website should be able to give any visitor a clear idea of what exactly you offer them. Depending on the nature of your business, do a research on the most searched information with regard to your field by the customers and make sure you make them available in your website. The easier they get the essential information, the sooner a visit will turn into a conversion. For an example, if you are a restaurant, then you should always have your updated menu on the website, possibly with a call to action to nudge them into dialing your number. The Same theory applies to all other businesses. Have all the important information available for your customer at one place on your website.

3. Easy Navigation

No one likes a website which takes 5 minutes to figure out how to get where. All the important pages should be clearly linked to being accessible right from the homepage. There are personal websites which like to be a little quirky and cryptic in their navigation, but as a business website, you should offer the easiest possible way for your customer to find what they need. Strategically placed call to action buttons will always make it easy for them to get your service or the product easily.

4. Mobile Optimization

Mobile is no longer the future, it is very much the present now. Having a desktop only website without optimizing it for the mobile devices is nothing less than voluntarily cutting off more than half of your potential visitors for the website. Maybe a few years ago designing a website may only mean making it look good on a desktop computer, but with all the different devices people use nowadays to access the internet, you have a lot more to cover than having merely a desktop design. Get on with the times!

5. Search Engine Optimization

Having a full functioning and well-developed website will not bring any value to your business unless you optimize it in a way that search results related to your fields pick up your website and display easily to your potential clients. While there are hardly any shortcuts for a website to be search engine optimized, keeping SEO in mind from the very beginning will make it easier later on when you focus on getting your website in good search ranks. Always keep your HTML codes free from clutter, add a plenty of informative and related text content in the website in order to reach good search ranks.

Businessman hand browsing internet websites on his laptop

If you want to upgrade your website to stand out from the rest of the competition, or if you want to launch a new brand along with a spectacular website, we are always here to help.

Don’t hesitate to have a look at our packages here.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hero image credit: https://img.freepik.com/free-photo/handsome-hispanic-man-working-using-laptop-office-smiling-cheerful-pointing-with-hand-finger-up-side
