29 August 2022

Most people have encountered a circumstance where they know what must be stated but are unsure of the most effective way to say it. As important as the message itself is how you communicate it. Poor communication can lead to people misinterpreting statements and frustration building up.

Clear communication assures that everyone is addressed, appreciated, and understood at work. You can follow the “7 Cs of Effective Communication” to ensure that you communicate in the most effective, correct, and exciting way possible and consequently increase your productivity at business: Clearness, Correctness, Completeness, Conciseness, Concreteness, Coherence, and Courteousness.

1. Clearness

Every conversation must clearly convey whatever message you intend for the receiver to understand. Otherwise, your audience may make assumptions and contact you again for clarification. Additional time will have to be spent as a result of this.

  • It facilitates understanding.
  • The message’s meaning is enhanced by the absolute clarity of thoughts and concepts.
  • The words should be precise, suitable, and concrete.

2. Correctness

People tend to type fast when writing many emails in one day, which makes spelling mistakes more likely. If the incorrectly spelt term is another word in the English language, spell check won’t be able to detect it. It would be best if you also carefully spell people’s names accurately and address them appropriately. You must also ensure that the reader has the information and education necessary to comprehend the technical terms you include in your communication.

  • The message must be precise, accurate, and right-timed.
  • It verifies the message’s facts and figures to ensure their clarity and accuracy.
  • It uses proper and accurate wording throughout the message.

people communicating through mobile phone


3. Completeness

A complete message will have all the details the reader needs to know to respond or take action. Forgetting crucial information causes backtracking and wasted time, which lowers business efficiency. Consider the audience’s needs first to avoid conveying a message that is unclear and causes misunderstanding.

  • Cost-saving because if the communication is complete, no crucial details are left out, and there is no need to send further contact.
  • It gives further information when necessary. It answers all of the recipient’s questions.
  • It helps the audience, readers, or message recipients make better decisions since they obtain all the vital information.

4. Conciseness

When they might have finished the message in 2 sentences, people frequently write 4 sentences instead. Both the transmitter and the recipient lose time as a result, which lowers their productivity levels. When communicating, being succinct means getting right to the point as fast as possible. You should avoid using extraneous details and filler language that complicate the communication of the message. Your communication must be precise, direct, and concise.

  • Saving money and saving time.
  • Not using too many words and unnecessary phrases emphasizes and highlights the core message.
  • More audience-friendly and understandable.

5. Concreteness

You must believe in the message you intend to share with the audience. The necessity for concreteness must be highlighted, particularly during the marketing or advertising initiatives. Details must attract the audience’s interest rather than make them bored. The recipient of communication should never come away feeling perplexed, frustrated, or in need of further details. Concrete messaging improves and optimizes communication and distinguishes companies that want to keep a competitive advantage.

  • It uses straightforward language that enhances its reputation.
  • The audience will not misinterpret messages.

6. Coherence

While it is critical to keep communications succinct and specific to suit the audience’s business needs, it is also crucial to consider their emotional needs. The recipient is a fellow human who values being heard, acknowledged, comprehended, and respected. Others will respond more positively if you are respectful of them. Avoid saying things that make someone feel excluded from the group. Use inclusive words instead to get a better answer. Even with the tensest or most irate employee, being upbeat and polite may go a long way.

  • Demonstrate interest in and empathy for the audience. It will cause the audience to respond favourably.
  • Be positive when speaking to your audience. Place more emphasis on “what is possible” than “what is impossible”. Emphasize terms like happy, committed, thank you, warm, healthy, and helping.

7. Courteousness

Being respectful is crucial in a professional situation. Since your audience isn’t always buddies, it’s essential to be polite to preserve a positive business environment. Covert insults and angry tones will follow discord between people and decrease morale and productivity. The use of excellent manners is required to maintain the business’s reputation and win the receiver’s respect. Respectful communication could include saying please, thank you, regards, or my apologies.

  • Respect for others means taking into account their sentiments and points of view.
  • Positive and audience-centred.
  • It uses language that respects the message’s recipient.

Adopting the latest technology can save you time. You can use that time to personally engage with your business’ customers and stakeholders with a more personal touch, following our suggestions above. If you require help bringing technology to your business contact Sanmark today.

Hero image credit: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/_8271062.htm
