
Sanmark Solutions
05 June 2023
Sandun Cooray

Frontend frameworks are essential for generating visually appealing and dynamic user interfaces. Keeping current with popular frameworks is critical for their exceptional functionality, performance, and usability. This post examines the...

01 June 2023
Sandun Cooray

Nowadays, software is essential for both personal and professional reasons. Because of its collaborative creation and numerous benefits, open-source software has grown in popularity. It enables users to use, modify,...

27 May 2023
Sandun Cooray

Data is a crucial element for every organisation, but with the amount of data collected every day rising, it is very essential to manage it efficiently. Data management is the...

13 May 2023
Sandun Cooray

In today’s fast-paced business environment, almost all organisations must occasionally update and enhance their products or services to stay competitive with their rivals. For that, The easiest and most reliable...

04 May 2023
Sandun Cooray

Companies are constantly looking for new strategies for expansion and maintaining their position as leaders in the online marketplace. Microservices architecture is a recent and popular concept. It’s a well-liked...

27 April 2023
Sandun Cooray

The eCommerce sector has always been developing continuously to give customers better and more immersive shopping experiences. Augmented reality (AR) is one of the latest technologies which transforms the eCommerce...

19 April 2023
Sandun Cooray

In recent years, social media platforms have become vital to business marketing efforts. TikTok has emerged as a formidable tool for company brands and marketers among the different platforms available....

11 April 2023
Sandun Cooray

PayPal is a key player in the world of electronic payments.PayPal has offered customers numerous choices to send and receive money online since 1998. It facilitates over 360 million active...

03 April 2023
Sandun Cooray

An organisation’s operations are altered through digital transformation. This process includes workflow, systems, processes, and culture. Each level of an organisation is impacted by this change, which pulls together data...

17 March 2023

In recent years, you may have noticed that many businesses have opted to go online rather than opening up a physical brick-and-mortar store. There was a huge upward trend for...