18 October 2022

E-commerce, in general, is a new way of conducting business. It already impacts significant economic sectors such as business services, communications, finance, and retail trade (which account for more than 25% of Australia’s GDP). Currently, approximately 80% of total e-commerce activity is conducted between or among businesses.

Australia’s internet retail market is estimated at more than $47 billion. Like the rest of the world, Australia has seen a sharp rise in online retail sales since the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Australians were forced to turn to online shopping after lockdowns that blocked or limited access to physical businesses for basics like food and personal care products like groceries. The market grew by 8.9% in 2022, indicating that more customers prefer online shopping over physical stores.

  • Every month, more than 5 million families shop online.
  • Australians spent a record $62.3 billion online in the previous calendar year.
  • Almost 30% of Australian e-commerce enterprises have significantly increased revenue due to online sales.
  • 90.4% of internet users worldwide shop at online retailers.
  • 30.3% of Australians have used social media to make online purchases.

What is Online Shopping?

As Wikipedia defines it, electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or e-business, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.

Worldwide Status for Online Purchasing.

E-commerce has become an essential component of the global retail framework. After the development of the Internet, the retail landscape underwent a significant transformation, similar to many other industries. As a result of the ongoing digitalization of modern life, consumers from almost every nation now benefit from online purchases. With nearly five billion global internet users, the number of people making online purchases is overgrowing. In 2021, global e-commerce sales surpassed 5.2 trillion US dollars. In 2022, the global e-commerce market is expected to be worth $5.55 trillion.

Australians’ Online Purchasing Habits

Australians are more addicted to shopping than ever before. Since the pandemic caused consumers to spend more money online to avoid boredom, online retail’s growth has accelerated as foot traffic has turned into web traffic. Australian households are increasingly making purchases online, and there has been a 73% increase compared to 2021 from 2019.

Free shipping is the factor that most influences people to buy their groceries online. Over half of Australians (60.93%) say free shipping incentives encourage their shopping habits and provide a better shopping experience. As a result, click and collect has increased by 13.6%. Customers prefer this purchase method due to its convenience and low shipping costs.

Advantages of Online Shopping


  1. Convenience

    Convenience is the main benefit. Where else can customers shop comfortably, even at midnight? There are no queues or cashiers. And consumers can complete their shopping in minutes.

  2. Lower Prices

    Cheaper deals and better prices are available online because products are delivered directly from the manufacturer or seller, eliminating the need for intermediaries. Furthermore, it is easier to compare prices and find a better deal. Many websites also provide discount coupons and rebates.

  3. Simple Price Comparisons

    It is much easier to compare and research products and prices online. When shopping for appliances, for example, customers can find reviews and product comparisons for all available options and links to the best prices. Customers can look into firsthand experience, ratings, and reviews for most products and retailers.

  4. More Varieties

    The options available online are incredible. Customers can find almost any brand or item they want. Customers can keep up with the latest international trends without spending money on airfare. Not limited to their geography, they can shop from retailers in other parts of the state, country or world. Consumers can choose from a much more comprehensive range of colors and sizes than they would find locally.

Why Should You Use E-commerce for Your Business in Australia?

From startups to small businesses to large corporations, many companies can benefit from having an eCommerce website where they can sell their products or services. In today’s competitive and convenience-focused society, consumers prefer to shop from the comfort of their own homes rather than go to the high street. They are making eCommerce a flexible solution for both businesses and buyers.

Ecommerce provides businesses with a wide range of opportunities, from marketing to expanding product lines to increasing sales. With an optimized and well-developed website, you can achieve these goals and provide your customers with around-the-clock, convenient service that can boost your business.

Are you trying to find a solution for online sales? Why don’t you get in touch with us to learn more?

Feature image source – https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/_5358350.htm
