28 December 2022

Web design and web development are two distinct but closely related fields in the vast world of the internet. While both are concerned with creating and maintaining websites, they involve different skill sets and have other goals. Understanding the difference between web design and web development is essential for anyone interested in pursuing a career in one of these fields or for those looking to hire professionals to build and maintain their websites.

What is Web Design?

Web design is creating a website’s visual layout and user interface. It involves planning, designing, and building the look and feel of a website to make it aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Web designers are responsible for a website’s overall appearance and usability, including the layout, colour scheme, font selection, and general design elements.

Web designers use various tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite, to create the visual elements of a website. These tools allow designers to create wireframes, prototypes, and mockups that help visualise and plan a website’s layout and design.

Web designers must also consider the user experience (UX) when designing a website. Web designers ensure that the website is easy to navigate and use, with clear and intuitive interfaces and a logical flow of information.

What is Web Development?

Web development is the process of building and maintaining the functionalities of a website. It involves writing code to create the structure and functionality of a website, including the back-end systems and databases that support it. Web developers are responsible for the technical aspects of a website, including its performance, security, and scalability.

Web development is a broad field encompassing various specialties and skills. Here are three types of web developers that you might encounter:

  • Front-end developers focus on the design and functionality of the user-facing part of a website. They work with languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a website’s visual layout, styling, and interactivity.

  • Back-end developers focus on the server side of web development, working with languages such as PHP, Ruby, or Python to build the infrastructure that powers a website. They might work on database design, server-side logic, and API development.

  • Full-stack developers have front-end and back-end development skills and can work on all parts of a web application. They might be involved in everything from design and user experience to server-side logic and database management.

No matter what web developer you are, staying up-to-date on the latest technologies and best practices is essential for success. Whether you specialize in one area or have a more diverse skill set, there are always new tools and techniques to learn and master.

Web development also involves testing and debugging websites to ensure they are working correctly and free of errors. It may include using browser dev tools or code debugging tools to identify and fix any issues.

Key Differences Between Web Design and Web Development:

While web design and web development are closely related, there are several key differences between the two fields:

  • Skillset Web design involves creating a website’s visual and aesthetic elements, while web development involves building and maintaining the functionalities of a website. As a result, web designers and developers have different skill sets and use various tools. Web designers have a strong background in graphic design, while web developers have a strong foundation in programming and computer science.
  • Goals Web designers focus on creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites, while web developers concentrate on building and maintaining the technical aspects of a website. Web designers aim to create a website that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to use, while web developers aim to create a fast, secure, and scalable website.
  • Job duties Web designers are responsible for creating a website’s overall appearance and usability, while web developers are responsible for building and maintaining the functionalities of a website. It includes designing the layout and visual elements, choosing colour schemes and fonts, creating wireframes and mockups, and testing and debugging sites. On the other hand, web developers focus on tasks such as writing code, building and maintaining back-end systems, and testing and debugging websites.


In conclusion, web design and web development are two distinct but closely related fields in the internet world. While both involve creating and maintaining websites, they have different skill sets and other goals. Web designers focus on making a website’s visual and aesthetic elements, while web developers concentrate on building and maintaining the technical aspects of a website. Understanding the differences between these two fields is vital for anyone interested in pursuing a career in one of these fields or for those looking to hire professionals to build and maintain their websites. By understanding the roles and responsibilities of web designers and web developers, businesses and individuals can make informed decisions about which professionals to hire for their web development needs.

Hire Sanmark Experts

If you need professional web design and web development services, consider hiring Sanmark Solutions. Our team of experienced designers and developers (front-end, back-end, full-stack) can help you create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that is also fast, secure, and scalable. We have a track record of delivering high-quality websites for our clients and are dedicated to providing excellent customer service. If you’re interested in learning more about our web design and development services, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to help you bring your website vision to life. You can reach us through our website or by calling us at the phone number listed on our contact page.

We look forward to working with you!
